Sunday, September 23, 2007

Another Hypoxian lie?


Day two of Zen....

A beautiful, sunny calm day in Minnesota. *WINK*

After a day of travel and a kick your butt ride, I "allowed" Zen to sleep in. Poking around the house, chit-chatting, drinking coffee and watching TV, we were not in a hurry to get out and ride. (I already looked at the forecast so I knew what was in store for the day) hehe.

I happened to see Zen look out the window and I gave a little smirk. He just looked at me in horror. I don't know why, the trees were only moving a tiny little bit. :D

I had a great route planned where I was going to keep Zen out of the wind, for the most part. I didn't know for sure if the winds were going to stay or move on us, so we had better get out and ride. I managed to hurry his butt into his cycling clothing.

I promised over and over again that he would be in the wind "only a little" and that much of that would be downhill. Once we got to the bottom of the hill we were smooth sailing UNTIL we hit a nice rolling road that wouldn't last long.

You see, Zen isn't used to rolling terrain or harsh Minnesota winds. Even though he is a mountain boy and had a surplus of oxygen he still had some things to overcome. Our land is different. One doesn't just get in a gear and climb, here you get "teased" by the land. You set a pace, slow it down, faster pace, set a pace, slow down...repeat....and while you are doing that you are praying to God that you don't fall over holding your line due to a cross wind.

We had a great time heading out on the trail. Laughing, smiling, it was good to be with a friend.

The wind didn't bother him too much, I don't think, and since I promised it was smooth sailing after that I knew all would be good. The winds hit us from the North and I turned us around going South onto this nice FLAT road.

We rode along and I told him to not fret it was actually a false flat. There was a reason for a bit more effort. Then we hit the first hill. I smiled and told him it was the only one on this road. As we reached the top of that hill I looked ahead. #*%@! I forgot about the "FEW" rollers, and good ones at that, on this road. I didn't dare look over because I could feel the presence of the Hypoxian Lie coming forth upon me. I smiled, apologized and told him I truly thought that road was flat but I NEVER said the one we were about to turn on was. HAHA!

As you looked ahead you could see nothing but rolling terrain. Once again, Zen's head went down, shook it, looked back up at me and gave me the "look".

Sorry dude, I guess Hypoxians Lie even in Minnesota. :P

We came home, Mr Triple B had cooked us a lovely dinner and the rest of the night was movie time.

Another GREAT day with my friend Zen.

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