Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Answer is Not 42

In light of Valentine's Day I thought I would tell you a story that took place a few days ago.

The other night during dinner I proposed a question to the little Guppy. "What makes a woman happy?" Mind you, guppy is 8 years old,I was still curious how the mind of the innocent would answer such a question.

He looked at me blankly as if to say, "What kind of question is that?" then his eyes lit up and said...."I KNOW I KNOW"....."Let the girl hit you and kick you, then you know she likes you and is happy!"

Trying not to laugh I had a stroll down memory lane looking back at grade school. The old phrase struck me "Boys Tease the girls they like", "Girls hit the boys they like". It's funny, things haven't really changed have they? Does that mean the long lived question "What makes a woman happy?" is still out for debate?

You would have thought with all the self-help books, the millions of dollars people spend on therapy, marriage counseling and the famous book "Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars" the answer would be out there but it appears that it is not.

I don't think there is one simple answer. There are too many different kinds of women with each a unique personality. What one woman finds happy would make another angry. We are a finicky species. Our moods change as the seconds on a clock. I can say personally what might make me happy one day isn't what will make me happy the next. It's no wonder why men would run from this question or search, if anything they run out of pure exhaustion and fatigue.

In reality all this finickiness can appear pretty abusive. Is it fair to a man? Not only that, how are we responding with our mood changes? Are we polite about it or do we get frustrated and eventually explode? I can only answer for myself. There is a particular time of the month I have nicknamed myself Medusa. Need I say more? HEY, at least "I" nicknamed myself that and I AM willing to admit, I AM DIFFICULT! How else do you think Mr. BBB got his nickname, "Saint BBB." (thanks guys, you know who I am talking to here :P )

So I go back to the conversation with the little Guppy. I let him know that the answer of us hitting boys/men isn't really true. There are some very consistent things that make most women happy. I think at such a young age it is very important to teach him the right way to save both him and his future wife a lot of pain and trouble.

So guys, here is a very short list of WHAT WOMEN WANT.........

  • To be listened to. That means eyes on her, not the TV or the computer but on her!

  • To have you pay attention to her. Note how this is similar to the first one? This is more in-depth. Not only do you listen, you pay attention and hopefully you will remember in the future what she has said. Once again, eyes on her, not the TV or the computer. Have you ever been in a store and the woman you are with is talking about stuff you could care less about? Yeah, that's what I mean. That stuff is the stuff that if you remember in the future she will know you have paid attention to her.

  • To be a mind reader. Yes I said it! We want it, we expect it, we demand it. I fully believe if you listen and pay attention you will be able to do this with little practice but it may take 30 years into your marriage to get there. So guys if you aren't there yet keep trying and don't give up. And women, be patient they are doing their best, (I think!)
Now during the discussion with the little Guppy I stated the first two and Mr. BBB stated the last. Actually he told little Guppy that if he could figure out how to read our minds to please share it with him and all the other boys/men out there in the world seeking the answer of what women want.

Guppy sat there with his eyes wide and listening intently. He was also able to tell me a bunch of stuff he has witnessed me pointing out in the stores. That gives me hope. I must be doing something right in his young training. Maybe there is hope for us all in the future but I must say I am a bit skeptical.

I hope this information has been of some benefit to you guys out there. I am a firm believer that too much information is better than not enough.

Finally, I will leave you with a quote by a very wise man that seemed to be in search of the same answer.

"The great question, which I have not been able to answer is, 'What does a woman want?' "

- Sigmund Freud

Wait a minute. How wise was this man? I mean after all, he thought I had Penis Envy!



Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The problem, of course, is that women are consistently inconsistent. Yes, there may be half a dozen issues that you always feel the same way about ("My favorite coffee mug goes in this cabinet!").

The problem is, these consistencies are buried in amongst the variables and to the average slow, dim-witted male who has been beaten up with the inconsistencies, we can't see what stays constant and what doesn't.

Add to that the fact that, while your favorite coffee mug always goes in this cabinet, the china goes here, the guest cups go there, the every day cups are here, here and over there, and all of them (except your favorite cup!) is subject to change based on some whim we don't you blame us when we stop trying?

BlueEyedBikinBabe said...

Hey now, leave my coffee mugs out of this! :P