Monday, October 1, 2007

Dancing with Ed

Ed and I have been dancing a lot lately. He is my dancing partner.

Sometimes we dance the waltz, a dance that is very smooth and floats across the floor. Other times we are dancing the tango where we move harshly together, forcefully across the floor with very determined motions.

What I need is a new partner. Ed is the lead right now. As a matter of fact I don't need a new partner, I need to dance alone!

Modern dance, that's it!

I can dance towards the refrigerator, to the gym or even to the sofa to sit and enjoy the movie, free of guilt and pressure.

No matter what, my dance can be alone and it's a dance without that weight of Ed pushing me around and dragging me to where he thinks I need to go.

This dance is free of form and Ed. It's my dance.

It's time to go dancing.

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